Underwater Photo Grand Prix
19 Years | 854 Winners | $276,000 Cash

קטגורית הוידאו


Video Clips of the World
1. Video clips submitted to this category should be up to 150 second long, taken anytime and anywhere in the world.
2. At least 60% of video length should feature underwater footage or split photography (half/half).
3. Competition registration and video clip submission must be completed through the competition website no later than November 1st, 2023.
4. Upon registering to the competition, each participant will receive a participation number, username and password, which later on should be used in order to login and upload the images and videos submitted to the competition.
5. Videos submitted should comply with all category requirements, as described in details on the Video Clip category page.
6. Participants reaching semi-final stages during the judging process will be asked to send their HD video clip files to the production office using any of the online transfer services.
7. Upon registering to the competition, each participant signs an environmental conservation commitment, according to which he/she are obligated to follow environmental conservation regulations and to share respect to the underwater world while shooting images or videos underwater. This applies to any participant, wherever they might be scuba diving, free diving or snorkeling. As per this commitment, the photographer understands that he/she are the only one responsible for their behavior underwater while capturing images. Any damage to the protected underwater world, including the disruption of the natural habitat of creatures, provocation through touching, feeding or annoying, is prohibited and might disqualify the images or the photographer. 
8. The production is entitled to disqualify a participant who acts against the rules, is involved in undue conduct, has caused harm to another participant, acted in any way that is contradictory to the spirit of the competition, or for any other reason that the production team seems fit. The decision to remove a participant from the competition is final and indisputable, and does not entitle the participant to receive compensation or refund of any kind.
9. It is absolutely forbidden to submit videos in the name of a photographer that hasn’t captured them. The competition is conducted individually and rules of ethics must be adhered to.
10. Legal issues of any kind, if result in lawsuits, shall be solely held at the Tel Aviv courthouse.